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Special Collection - Bob Amos

In his decades of recording music events in Alaska, Bob Amos gathered the wide respect of the musical community by being a world-class music recordist. He saved master recordings of virtually everything he recorded for nearly fifty years. This immense collection also includes hundreds of recordings predating his arrival in Alaska in 1970,

His collection is the most thorough compendium of original classical recording in Alaska. He recorded every performance of the Anchorage Symphony,  Concert Chorus, Opera, Festival of Music and virtually every classical performance at the Performing Arts Center.


Bob Amos meticulously kept masters of everything he recorded with dates and names. This priceless collection is in need of preservation.

Before his passing in the Spring of 2018, his collection was privately passed along. Among the 90 boxes of recordings are an estimated 4000+ original recordings. The collection is contained in many different formats; analog reels, Dolby C encoded Cassettes, Digital Beta, DAT and virtually every other form of digital recording. Specialized playback equipment has been maintained to play back the recordings.

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